Dance, Preschool, and Preschool Dance Tuition & Fee Policies

Students are registered for a 9-month class session. Tuition is figured annually and broken down into 9 equal payments. Tuition is NOT based on number of classes per month but on the number of total classes during the 9-month session. Holidays and school breaks have already been taken into account and no additional adjustments will be made. No discounts will be given due to student absence.

All tuition is due monthly on the first day of class.

A $10.00 late fee will be added for tuition paid after the 10th of the month.

Returned checks will incur a $20.00 fee.

Registration Fees are due by the first day of class in September.

Concert Fees are due 6 weeks prior to each performance. Reminders will be sent in advance of these deadlines.

Tuition & Fees can be paid by:

  1. Check - made payable to Miss Margene's Creative Classroom and deposit in the tuition box at the studio. Include student(s’) name(s) & what your payment is for on your check to ensure correct processing.

  2. Credit/Debit Card - payments can be made through Paypal on our website. A small processing fee ($1.20 - $3.00 depending on total amount of your payment) will be applied to all credit/debit card transactions. Pay Online»

  3. VENMO - Now accepting VENMO payments for all tuition, concert fees, etc. You can make all payments using VENMO: @MissMargeneCC. Please include all the details (student name, tuition month, concert fee, etc.) so that there is no confusion who and what the VENMO payment is for.

Dance Tuition & Fees

Number of Dancers 2023/2024 Cost
1 Dancer $55.00
2 Dancers in the same family
3 Dancers in the same family
4 Dancers in the same family
5 Dancers in the same family
6 Dancers in the same family
2 Dance classes/week same student
3 Dance classes/week same student
4 Dance classes/week same student
Annual Registration Fee
New Dance Student Registration
Concert Fee (Per Dancer)
Spring Concert

*All registration fees are non-refundable.
*Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice but every effort is made to give as much advance notice as possible.

Preschool and Preschool Dance Tuition & Fees

Monthly Tuition 2023/2024 Cost
Two-day Preschool
Three-day Preschool
Two-day Preschool + Dance
Three-day Preschool + Dance
Annual Registration Fee
Preschool Only
Preschool Dance Only
Preschool + Dance
Concert Fee (Per Dancer)
Spring Concert

*All registration fees are non-refundable.
*Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice but every effort is made to give as much advance notice as possible.


In order to keep our tuition and fees down, various fundraising projects will take place throughout the year. We need your participation and help!

If parents choose not to participate, we would expect a donation equal to the profit earned for the minimum number of sales or products set by the group.

You may also donate to fundraisers using the online donate option below.